A Comprehensive Guide to Aerial Photography: Types, Uses, and Platforms

Aerial photography is a powerful tool used to capture images of landscapes and surface objects from a bird's-eye view. It has been used for centuries, from the first commercial aerial photography company in the United Kingdom in 1919 to the use of drones today. This article will provide an overview of the different types of aerial photography, their uses, and the platforms used to capture them.Aerial photographs can be divided into three categories based on the camera axis: vertical, low oblique, and high oblique. Vertical aerial photography is taken directly from above and is used for mapping, surveying, and other applications that require an accurate representation of the ground.

Low oblique aerial photography is taken at an angle between 30 and 45 degrees and is used to capture more detail than vertical photography. High oblique aerial photography is taken at an angle greater than 45 degrees and is used to capture more context than low oblique photography.The use of aerial photography has grown rapidly over the years, with advances in technology making it easier to capture images from the sky. During World War I, aerial cameras increased in size and focal power, allowing for more frequent use. By the end of the war, both sides had taken more than half a million photos since the beginning of the conflict.

During the 1930s, aerial photography was used in photogrammetry (cartography based on aerial photographs), with Ordnance Survey among its customers.Aerial photography can be used for a variety of purposes, from military reconnaissance to archaeological research. An example of how aerial photography is used in archaeology is the cartographic project carried out at the Angkor Borei site in Cambodia between 1995 and 1996. A professional aerial photographer will be able to take into account all the details to produce the best quality photos or videos for every situation.Platforms for aerial photography include fixed-wing aircraft, helicopters, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs or drones), balloons, airships, rockets, pigeons, kites, or the use of action cameras while skydiving or wearing an aerial suit. Advances in radio-controlled models have made it possible for model airplanes to take aerial photographs at low altitudes. Aerial videos are also emerging spatial multimedia that can be used to understand scenes and track objects.In conclusion, aerial photography is a powerful tool that can be employed for a variety of purposes.

Different types of aerial photographs can be taken depending on the needs of the client, and there are many platforms available for capturing these images. Professional aerial photographers are able to take into account all the details to produce high-quality photos or videos.